Circuit Library
Why do you read books?
Entertainment, knowledge, inspiration, challenge, growth?
Whatever the reason, there should be something suitable available in the Circuit library.
A collection of Christian books stored by Jenny Endersby at Sandy Methodist Church, they are available to borrow on short term loan to sample, savour and maybe inspire you to get a copy for your own bookshelf. The full listing can be found under the Goodreads profile "North Beds Methodist Circuit Library"
https:// circuit-library
Goodreads is a free online service for recommending books to one another - set yourself up and search for North Beds Methodist Circuit Library to be able to see all the books available to borrow, sorted into the different "bookshelf" genres. (Searches can be made just in the profile's bookshelves.)
Books to borrow can be brought to Circuit meetings (or church services) as requested by prior arrangement.
There is also a linked private Community group set up for those who would like to join others in book club readings.
For more details (and if you have any books to donate) please contact Jenny Endersby -