Service time: 10.30am
Congregation size: About 8 to 12
Children & young people: Any children will stay for the whole service and included if possible
Hymn Books: Singing the Faith, Hymns & Psalms, Songs of Fellowship
Worship Books: The Methodist Worship Book is available
Music: Organ/Piano
Worship Leaders: Sometimes lead intercessions
Lectionary expected: No
Congregational involvement: Read lessons, prayers of intercession by arrangement
Intercessions book:
Lord's Prayer: Said, traditional version
Contact with preacher: Church Steward contacts by email or phone on Monday
Orders of service: 2 + readers
Offering: At the entrance to the church, and is brought forward during the final verse of the last hymn
Communion arrangements: At the rail in groups, Steward assists
Sound system: Both fixed and radio microphone
Computer: No
WiFi and Internet: No
CCLI Licence: 612928 CLA 1015805
Calamus Licence: A-730878